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Kingstons Premier Gun Shop is now open !

Your 1-stop shop for Gunsmithing, FFL Transfers & Quality guns at Affordable Prices.

What's in Store Now?

Our most popular and unique items in stock.

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Surplus, Repairs, & Guns.  All your needs in one place!


Ship directly to your home, our shop, or a local dealer with fast delivery and zero backorders.

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Surplus, Gunsmithing & Firearms - All Your Needs in One Place!

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What Our Customers Have to Say

John B

Duxbury, MA


" Returned my call quickly after submitting an online inquiry. Called to inform me of updates related to my purchase. Great communication is key to a great business. Can’t wait to do more with Spencer and his team at Baystate Surplus. Definitely felt like a valued customer."

Mark K.

Plymouth, MA


" Great experience both purchasing and transferring a firearm with Bay State Surplus. I would highly recommend them to everyone."

Military Surplus For Sale

Unlock an Arsenal of Options: Explore, Customize, and Arm Yourself to Perfection

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